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Look & Style Difference between Carpet and Luxury Vinyl Flooring

Look & Style Difference between Carpet and Luxury Vinyl Flooring

When it comes to look and style, carpet allows for an incredible amount of design versatility. The same can be said for luxury vinyl flooring, however. Whether it’s bright colors or detailed patterns,E-mail:
Nov 04,2019
Natural vs Synthetic carpet for High Traffic Areas

Natural vs Synthetic carpet for High Traffic Areas

Natural vs Synthetic carpet for High Traffic Areas If you are trying to decide between natural and synthetic carpet for your high-traffic areas, there are several factors that you should consider. When it comes E-mail:
Oct 21,2019
How to Make Your Artificial Grass Lawn Last Longer

How to Make Your Artificial Grass Lawn Last Longer

Having discussed the primary factors to consider when asking how long your artificial grass will last, we can move onto the tips to consider that will help you keep your artificial lawn in top shape. E-mail:
Oct 17,2019
How Long Does artificial grass Last?

How Long Does artificial grass Last?

When deciding whether you want to invest in artificial grass for your home or garden, it’s important to do as much research as possible. One of the most notable questions that we hear is how long does artificial grass E-mail:
Oct 11,2019
Beautiful garden with artificial grass

Beautiful garden with artificial grass

Artificial grass makes it possible to transform even the largest and most complex gardens into a green haven that requires hardly any maintenance. One of Diamond Carpet dealers recently installed a sublime looking E-mail:
Sep 29,2019
How to Glue Loose Seams in Carpet

How to Glue Loose Seams in Carpet

Carpet repair is inevitable if you have carpeted floors in your home. It is a good measure to take that can help to extend the life of your carpet. Loose seams are common where the carpet covers large E-mail:
Sep 29,2019
When You Should Replace carpet padding

When You Should Replace carpet padding

Knowing when to replace your carpet padding can make a world of difference for the longevity of your carpet. You don’t always have to replace the padding when there’s a stain, or if you get new carpet, but E-mail:
Sep 20,2019
What is the best temperature to lay artificial grass?

What is the best temperature to lay artificial grass?

There is such a thing as the best temperature to install artificial grass? I didn’t even think the temperature would matter for the installation of artificial grass. Since artificial grass is made of synthetics E-mail:
Sep 20,2019
3 Things You Might Not Know About Carpet Tile

3 Things You Might Not Know About Carpet Tile

Back in the day, most carpet came on a 3.66m or 4m roll. We fought with elevators or hauled it up flights of stairs. If you were in an occupied space, everything had to come out. Your files, your desk, your Hello E-mail:
Sep 16,2019
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