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Caring for Carpet Squares

Caring for Carpet Squares

Caring for carpet squares—also known as carpet tiles—can be tricky. While there are some benefits to installing carpet squares, such as having the ability to swap out an area sporting a large stain, there are also E-mail:
May 27,2019
What is Cut+And+Loop Pile weight?

What is Cut+And+Loop Pile weight?

All carpets are constructed of loops made from various types of yarn. Each one is a loop pile carpet at the outset, some having level loops and others have multi-level loops. In a cut-and-loop carpet, as theE-mail:
May 24,2019
What is Frieze carpet?

What is Frieze carpet?

Frieze carpet is a type of cut pile carpet which is made from twisted fibers. The individual curling fibers in the carpet create a slightly informal look which hides a multitude of sins. For this reason, this type E-mail:
May 20,2019
Diamond Carpet Launches New Ranges of Wear Proof Hospitality Carpets

Diamond Carpet Launches New Ranges of Wear Proof Hospitality Carpets

Diamond Carpet, one of the leading commercial carpet suppliers, has launched two new ranges of Wear Proof Hospitality carpet called Park Royal and Park Royal Exclusive. The new ranges offer 31 new E-mail:
May 18,2019
Why carpet tiles more popular in commercial use

Why carpet tiles more popular in commercial use

Due to wall-to-wall carpets that can easily get dirty and be difficult to clean and install, a lot of businesses and decorators are turning to carpet tiles. carpet tiles are square pieces of carpet (often E-mail:
May 13,2019
Diamond Carpet Launch New Plank Carpet Tile Range

Diamond Carpet Launch New Plank Carpet Tile Range

Diamond Carpet, one of the China’s leading commercial carpet suppliers, has launched a new range of plank carpet tiles called ‘Hutao’. The new range offers Architects and Interior Designers the option to E-mail:
May 10,2019
Diamond Carpet Launch Carpet Tile Range with ‘Silent’ backing

Diamond Carpet Launch Carpet Tile Range with ‘Silent’ backing

Sshhh … Diamond Carpet, as a leading commercial carpet supplier, has launched a new range of carpet tiles with a ‘Silent’ backing to help improve the acoustics in modern office environments. E-mail:
Apr 25,2019
Advantages of modular carpet vs roll carpet

Advantages of modular carpet vs roll carpet

Interior decoration is one of the items that has more movement in terms of trends. New ideas and options that seek ways to attract the attention of people and companies arise daily. E-mail:
Apr 18,2019
Advantages & Disadvantages From Playing Soccer on Artificial Turf

Advantages & Disadvantages From Playing Soccer on Artificial Turf

Colleges, recreational facilities and even some professional leagues increasingly choose synthetic turf fields over natural grass pitches for soccer. Synthetic turf consists of artificial grass blades E-mail:
Apr 15,2019
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