How to Glue Loose Seams in Carpet
Sep 29,2019
Diamond Carpet
Carpet repair is inevitable if you have carpeted floors in your home. It is a good measure to take that can help to extend the life of your carpet. Loose seams are common where the carpet covers large floor space or the room has a complex layout. Seams also tend to become loose as the carpet ages and as a result of heavy usage, especially where the carpet joins another room. This results in upturned edges. Loose seams spoil the beauty of your carpet as they give it an untidy and neglected look. They also pose a risk to personal safety. You can easily trip as you walk and sustain serious injuries. It is best to attend to loose seams as soon as you spot them. With the simple guide below you can effectively repair loose carpet seams and restore the smart appearance of your carpet.
Step 1 – Remove Old Glue
Lift up the loose seams and fold back the carpet. This allows you to access the glue that was applied along the edges of the carpeting to create a seam.
Step 2 – Cleaning
Apply some acetone onto a rag and rub along the old seam to remove the hardened glue. Once you’ve removed all the glue, wipe along the seam with a clean, damp cloth. Clean out the area on the subfloor where the carpet was attached in a similar manner. Place some blocks in a few spots along the folded back carpet about 6 inches away from the seams. This will help to hold down the carpet as you apply glue.
Step 3 – Spray on the Adhesive
Spray adhesive underneath the carpet along the edges. A width of about 2 inches on each section of carpeting should suffice. Begin at the top of the seam and spray an even coat as you move downwards. Avoid excessive application as it will drip and create a mess. If the glue gets onto your clothes, it could easily cause you to get accidentally glued to other objects.
Step 4 – Attach the carpet
Remove the blocks from the carpet and place aside. Roll both sections of carpet back into place so that they meet at the seam. Hold down the carpet at the seams for about 60 seconds. The pressure from your hands will facilitate a secure bond onto the subfloor.
Step 5 – Allow Time for Bond
It is best to allow about 15 minutes for the carpet to bond securely. Do not walk on the carpet before it has bonded fully. If you walk on it too soon, it will hamper an effective bond. It will also result in folds which spoil the appearance of your carpet.
Step 6 – Vacuum
It is a good idea to vacuum your just repaired carpet. This will give it a clean and fresh appearance. Gather all the materials used during repair and keep them safely away. Vacuum the carpet until you’re satisfied that it is clean.
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