How many carpet tiles are there per square meters in each box?
How many carpet tiles are there per square meters in each box? Carpet Tiles come in two amounts - 5 sqm per box / 20 tiles per box and 6 sqm / 24 tiles per box. Depending on the type of tile, each box weighs between 20-23kg. wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
How do I calculate my carpet square meters?
How do I calculate my carpet square meters? Just like finding the surface area of a rectangle, calculating the square footage of your yard requires a mathematical formula: L x W.wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
Can you install carpet on top of carpet?
Can you install carpet on top of carpet? It is generally not a recommended procedure. The abrasion of carpet on carpet will cause both layers to wear prematurely. Certain types of glue down carpet can be installed over wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
What about drainage about artificial grass?
What about drainage about artificial grass? A:As long as the proper installation technique is followed, artificial grass's drainage is superior to natural grass and will not cause an increase in water runoff. wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
What happens to dog urine and waste on artificial grass?
What happens to dog urine and waste on artificial grass? A: Believe it or not, dogs can go to the bathroom on artificial grass without any hesitations. Dog urine flushes through the turf’s drainage system and solid waste E-mail: wxdiamondcarpet@126.c
When is the Best Time to Choose Fake Grass Over Real Grass?
Q: When is the Best Time to Choose Fake Grass Over Real Grass? A: For many homeowners, making the decision to move from real grass to synthetic fake grass isn’t an easy one. The years of mowing, trimming, and watering the lawn wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
How much does ProGreen Synthetic Grass cost?
Q: How much does ProGreen Synthetic Grass cost? A: This is a complicated question as installation prices can vary greatly depending on the scope of the work, but it is important to know that this is a significant financial wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
How to Maintain and Care for Your Synthetic Grass?
How to Maintain and Care for Your Synthetic Grass? Maintaining synthetic grass is almost too easy! You will save plenty of time and money by not having to mow, fertilize, or heavily water your lawn to have wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
How to cleaning Up artificial grass After life’s little messes?
How to cleaning Up artificial grass After life’s little messes? Your lawn is meant to be used and we encourage everyone to enjoy it to the fullest. Don’t worry about staining your yard with spills of any sort. wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
Disturbed by the smell of carpet adhesive, what should I do?
Disturbed by the smell of carpet adhesive, what should I do? Request that the adhesive being used be tested and comply with CRI Green Label Plus testing program, meaning that the adhesive has the lowest possible emissions. wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
How long does the carpet take to dry after cleaning?
How long does the carpet take to dry after cleaning? The normal drying time is anywhere from 6 to 12 hours. The carpet will only be damp to the touch. Depending on weather conditions, room temperature, air flow, wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
What is the difference between artificial turf and natural turf?
What is the difference between artificial turf and natural turf? The main difference between artificial turf and natural turf is that artificial turf can be used much more intensively. A natural pitch can be used a wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
Why Are There Different Pile Heights For Artificial Turf?
Why are there different pile heights for artificial turf? A: Pile is the term for the upright blades on artificial turf. These can be cut at different heights (e.g. 40-50-60 mm). As standard, 20 mm of free pile height wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
What Is Wilton Carpet?
What Is Wilton Carpet? In a Wilton carpet the pile is in the form of a continuous yarn, which produces a series of loops; these may then be cut for a cut-pile finish. Although the continuous yarn theoretically makes wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
What Is Axminster Carpet Features?
What Is Axminster Carpet Features? A: 1) Carpet made on Axminster loom; cut pile carpet only; most are single level cut pile, but can be multi-level as well. 2) Axminster carpet offers wide range of patterns and colors. wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
What Is Frieze Carpet?
WHAT IS FRIEZE CARPET? Frieze is a highly twisted cut pile carpet suited for high traffic areas. It has short fibers that tend to curl in different directions at the surface to hide footprints and vacuum marks. wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
What are the different types of cut-pile carpet?
What are the different types of cut-pile carpet? Plush / Velvet carpet: Smooth, level surfaces; formal atmosphere, "velvet." Saxony carpet: Smooth, level finish, but pile yarns have more twist so that the yarn wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
Are there deodorizers for use after cleaning stain/odor from carpet?
Are there deodorizers for use after cleaning stain/odor from carpet? Yes. Consult a professional cleaner for recommendations on professional deodorizing products. Otherwise we recommend a mixture of two tablespoons wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
Wuxi Diamond Carpet--what is woven carpet?
Wuxi Diamond Carpet--what is woven carpet? A: Woven carpet is the traditional method of making carpets in the West. It is an expensive method, but the product is more durable than carpet produced by other methods. wxdiamondcarpet@126.com
What is BCF (Bulked Continuous Filament)?