simple advice to keep your artificial grass in pristine condition
There are a few simple steps that can be taken to ensure your artificial grass product remains in the best condition for its lifetime. The trick is little and often and with this attitude, you will avoid any unwanted E-mail:

Picking Out A Carpet
Carpets are available in many different styles and colors, although when you shop for your carpet, you should try to buy the best quality carpet you can get for the money. Even if you happen to be on a very E-mail:

The difference between playing sports on artificial turf and natural grass
Are you going to build a synthetic grass play area? The feeling of play is subjectively similar and yet there are measurable elements that make it possible to compare artificial turf and natural grass. E-mail:

Artificial turf infill system
When you’re going to build an artificial turf field , depending on the usage of your field you may choose a rubber infill, sand infill or non-infill system. Rubber is used in rugby and football to provide a softer E-mail:

4 Common Artificial Grass Myths Debunked
Myth 1: Artificial grass drains badly Wrong. While it is true that poor quality artificial turf can become waterlogged, high quality artificial grass installed correctly from a reputable supplier like ourselves E-mail:

Benefits of Carpets and Rugs
Carpet is a key decorative and functional element in a home or business. Carpet - It just feels better. Comfort - Insulation Carpet provides an added measure of warmth and insulation with its millions of fibers E-mail:

How Carpet Is Made
The carpet that is made today is a mix of old world craftsmanship and a touch of 21st century innovation. By combining the two, carpet is able to become the household feature that we all know and love – and get E-mail:

Introduce of underlay
Introduce of underlay underlay generally refers to a thin layer of cushioning made of materials such as sponge rubber, foam, felt or crumb rubber; this material is laid beneath carpeting to provide comfort underfoot E-mail:

Do I need to prepare the ground before laying Artificial Grass?
A question we are often asked, do I need to prepare the ground before laying artificial grass? Simply put, YES you do! In fact preparing the ground is one of the most important factors of installing E-mail: