Advantages and Disadvantages of Polyester Carpet
Whether you need the finest Nylon, wool, polyester or saxony carpets Worksop, you can always count on WUXI MARICO DIAMOND CARPET to deliver you the best rates and quality. And with our factory end of line E-mail:
Tel : 0086-51

Floor to Carpet Transition Methods You Can Use at Home
Are you planning to use carpet on one room of your home and a different flooring on an adjacent area? Here are some approaches that professionals use to get a flawless-looking transition: E-mail: Tel : 0086-510-82890779

What You Need to Know About Carpet Tiles
If you are looking for a soft flooring option, but you are not ready to commit to something as long-term as a wall-to-wall carpet, carpet tiles are a great alternative. What You E-mail:
Tel : 0086-510-82890779

Printed carpets VS pre-dyed carpets What is the difference?
The process of dyeing fibre for carpets can be carried out in a number of ways. While there’s no correct method, there are some definite advantages and E-mail:
Tel : 0086-510-82890779

How to Maintain Shaggy Carpet
Shag rugs are known for their soft, squishy feel on the feet that can make any room cozier especially now that the weather is starting to grow colder. If you have one at home, proper maintenance is E-mail: Tel : 0086-510-82890

Watch Out for These Signs of Carpet Mold
Molds are health hazards that can easily spread if left unchecked. Keep your eyes open for the following clues to catch them early on. Worsening allergies carpet mold can cause several health E-mail: Tel : 0086-510-82890779

What's the Difference Between 7 Different Types of Commercial Carpet?
When you're comparing different commercial carpet types, it can be difficult to look past different patterns and colors. However, the type of carpet you choose will have a lasting impact on your organization: different carpet types require different

3 Types of Carpet Styles
Carpets are made of fibers that are cut, looped or cut and looped. Although there are several different subcategories of carpet styles, all fall within one of these three groups. Tel : 0086-510-82890779