Can I fit carpet tiles on top of underfloor heating?
Jan 17,2020
Diamond Carpet
Q:Can I fit carpet tiles on top of underfloor heating?
A:Yes, but just make sure the surface is hard and you adhere them with either double sided tape or tackifier. Remember there is no guarantee in the future when fitting carpet tiles on top that the floor will be clean underneath should you change your mind and reinstate the old floor covering in the future. Sometimes the bitumen can bleed through the back in heavy wear areas leaving marks on the old floor covering underneath. In domestic situations we have heard of customers using old sheets of paper put down first in case they change their mind again. We\'ve even had customers who have carpet tiles over the top of ceramic tiles in a conservatory for the winter months to make it feel warm and then mark and take up like a jigsaw and store in the garage in the summer time until needed again. All this is fine but when laying on top of a paper barrier then no adhesive can be used and it depends again what the area will be used for and also the overall size of area. Think safety first!
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