What Tools Do I Need to Maintain My artificial lawn
Mar 13,2020
Diamond Carpet
One of the biggest advantages of artificial lawn is that when compared to the natural alternative, it is exceptionally low maintenance.
However, low maintenance isn’t quite the same as no maintenance. There are one or two items and tools that you should have on hand to keep your lawn looking its absolute best all year round. Luckily, most of these essentials should already be found in your home!
So, without further ado, here is a brief list of what you might need to look after your artificial lawn.
A Lawn Rake
Regardless of the season, you will probably always find some amount of natural debris making its way onto your lawn. However, unlike a natural lawn, you can\'t just leave the natural process of decomposition to clear things up.
Keeping a lawn rake handy will be very useful to brush away the excess leaves, twigs, and any other plant-based detritus that lands atop your artificial lawn. As a general rule, you shouldn’t need to sweep the lawn clear of this kind of debris more than once a month at most.
Having said that, we do have one important piece of advice to offer when you are choosing a rake for this purpose. Do not use one with steel or metal tines, as this could potentially damage the synthetic fibres of the grass. Instead, wooden or plastic options are much more advisable.
A Broom
If your artificial lawn and outdoor space regularly see a lot of foot traffic, you might find the grass starting to look a little flat and tired. The fibres do, of course, have a degree of natural spring back and tensile pressure to push them back up again, but even carefully chosen synthetic polymers do have a bending point.
If you want to keep your artificial lawn looking its absolute best, a brush can help. Take a wooden broom (again, like the earlier rake suggestion, metal options could cause more problems than they solve) and sweep in the opposite direction to the artificial lawn’ natural grain. The blades will be standing upright again in no time at all.
White Vinegar
We all love our four-legged friends, and artificial lawns make a great place for them to run around and play, but sometimes, their unwanted leavings have the potential to cause an issue.
When it comes to artificial lawn, white vinegar is a useful disinfectant and all-around cleaning agent. It is not so harsh on the lawn\'s artificial fibres to cause any discolouration or damage, but similarly, it is able to take proper care of the business of cleanliness.
If you notice that a particular patch of your artificial lawn has become your pet\'s go-to outdoor toilet, solve the problem by dousing the area in white vinegar, leaving it to soak for a few minutes, and then washing it away with water. Should the odour prove particularly problematic, sprinkle some baking soda down on the spot and pour a mix of white vinegar and water over the area, then wash away with water afterwards.
A Garden Hose
Although your artificial lawn doesn’t need water to keep it lush and green, this does not mean that it couldn’t benefit from a thorough clean every once in a while. A rake will get rid of larger debris, but smaller things like dust and pollen from nearby plants will slowly accumulate. To keep the grass as nice and fresh as possible, a gentle spray of water from the hose would be ideal. Try to do this once a week for the best results.
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Wuxi Diamond Carpet Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.
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