Try These Quirky Uses For Artificial Turf
Oct 30,2020
Diamond Carpet
Artificial Turf is fast becoming a preferred alternative to natural grass. There are many different reasons why this is the case: Artificial Turf is impervious to weather, it requires little maintenance, it’s pesticide free, and looks just as good as natural grass if not better.
The reasons why you might need to use Artificial Turf may vary. If your garden is in an area where sunlight is blocked, then Artificial Turf will eliminate the need for direct sunlight. You may have pets or children that track mud into the house every time it rains, or it might be that you want to reduce your water costs over time. Artificial Turf can reduce water use by over 50% in residential settings.
While Artificial Turf is most commonly associated with professional or scholastic playing fields, there are so many more uses that you may not have even considered.
At Home
The first and most obvious place for Artificial Turf is at home. Does your current lawn lack enough sunlight? Does it suffer from heavy foot traffic? Does it erode easily? Maybe you own a vacation home and you don’t want to worry about landscapers when not there. All of these examples make a great case for the installation of Artificial Turf.
Artificial Turf can also be used to deck out your garden by adding a fresh, just-mowed look year-round.
Around the Pool
This is a new trend, but one that is quickly catching on. A pool perimeter’s inherent moisture can be quite hazardous. The concrete or simulated concrete around a pool is extremely painful if someone slips. Natural grass is way too messy and slippery as a substitute.
Artificial Turf is a natural choice. Being water resistant, comfortable on bare feet, traction friendly, and shock absorbing, it can add an extra measure of safety to your pool area.
In the Gym
This might seem like an unusual use for artificial grass, but it can help traction and add a splash of color that makes gym goers feel like they’re exercising in the great outdoors.
Moreover, having artificial grass in your gym can provide a surface for great resistance training, sled training, and sprinting. Artificial grass also makes an excellent surface for doing tire flips and for Strongman training.
When you think of Artificial Turf, don’t limit your ideas to traditional uses. Get creative. However, before implementing Artificial Turf, talk to a company that specializes in it and can advise you on the options.
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