Tips on Living with the Old carpet in Your Rental Home
Jun 30,2021
Diamond Carpet
Do you hate the outdated carpet in your home, but can’t just rip it out because you’re only renting? Here are some things you can do to improve its look:
Have it deep cleaned
Check your landlord’s policy on how often cleaning is done. Most will guarantee that they are cleaned between tenants, and some have an additional every two year policy. So if you’re just moving in, do a sight and smell check to make sure they are in decent condition before unpacking all your gear. If your landlord refuses to step up to the cleaning plate, it’s worth shelling out the money to have it done yourself. If smells persist try back peeling back the carpet in an inconspicuous spot to check the carpet pad, which is often the source of the problem since it can’t be cleaned. If there is a serious layer of dirt-like substance, it might be the case that the carpet pad has broken down, in which case it’s back to the landlord.
Use an area rug
Cover all — or at least most — of that ugly carpet using an area rug. One large area rug per room can cover a majority of the carpeting beneath it. If the original carpeting still shows around the perimeter of the room, select rugs that contain neutrals or colors that coordinate with the original floor covering. For instance, if the carpeting is dark green, a beige area rug with a thin green line or vine pattern makes the carpet look a little less hideous. You can also make your own area rug large enough to fit the room by purchasing a carpet remnant, binding the edges with carpet binding and seam tape.
Dye the carpet new
Covering, hiding, and camouflaging are great ways to salvage a distasteful carpet that you can’t replace, but there are other approaches you can take. For example, you can dye your carpet to restore faded color, fix spot and stains, or even change the color to a different shade or hue. Before considering this solution, make sure your carpet is made of the right fabric. Nylon and wool carpets can be dyed, but polyester, acrylic, and polypropylene cannot. While dyeing a carpet yourself will be lighter on the wallet, the project could have mixed results. For a quality finish, think about hiring a professional, which should set you back about a third of the cost of having the carpet replaced.
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