How to Make Carpet Last Longer
Jan 25,2019
Diamond Carpet
The first thing that comes to mind when we hear that question is another question: “Do you or your family members wear their shoes in the home?"
Take off your shoes
Most of the time, the answer is yes, especially for homeowners with children. Removing your shoes before walking on your home’s carpet is the No. 1 habit that will not only extend the interval between carpet cleanings, but also extend the overall lifespan of your home’s carpets.
Asking your home’s residents or your guests to take off their shoes may seem like a lot to ask, and it may be difficult to establish this habit in the beginning, but just think of the money you can save in the long run.
Another common questions that carpet cleaning companies like ours receive from customers are concerns about the darkening lines that can begin to appear on carpet along baseboards and around door openings. We refer to this condition as soil filtration.
Limit soil filtration
Soil filtration is often the result of air moving in and around the room when the home’s HVAC system turns on.
Carpet damged by soil filtration can be improved with carpet cleaning tools and solutions that are made specifically for the job.
Burning candles in the home can exacerbate soil filtration in carpet significantly.
It’s also important to consider how much dust your home creates and to change your HVAC system’s filters on a regular basis depending on how many people and pets live in the home.
Vacuum the carpets
In addition to adopting a no-shoes policy and changing HVAC filters, another great way to extend the lifespan of your carpet and the interval between carpet cleanings is to vacuum your carpet on a frequent and regular basis. Vacuuming regularly will help remove the small particles of dirt and gravel that are abrasive to carpet fibers.
Adopting a no-shoes policy, regularly vacuuming and replacing your home’s HVAC filters regularly are all great ways to add value to your home and reduce the costs associated with its care.
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