How Often Should I Clean My Carpets?
Jan 11,2019
Diamond Carpet
How often you need a carpet cleaning depends on whether you have kids or pets, and how much traffic your carpet gets.
If you have children ...If you are a parent, you likely have seen your child spill a drink on the carpet or track dirt into the house from playing outside.
To keep the carpet clean and fresh, parents should clean high-traffic carpet areas every six to 12 months and professionally clean the entire carpet once annually.
If you have pets ...
Pet owners typically require carpet cleaning more often, due to dogs tracking in dirt and grass, pets shedding, and any urine or accidents your pet may have on the carpet.
In addition to vacuuming at least twice a week, pet owners should clean high-traffic areas every three to six months and professionally clean the entire carpet twice per year.
If you have children and pets ...
The pet/child combination can get your carpet very dirty very quickly.
Professionals recommend cleaning high-traffic areas as often and every two to three months and hiring a carpet cleaner quarterly.
Don\'t forget the carpet warranty
If you recently installed new carpets, your carpet may have come with a warranty.
The warranty may come with instructions regarding carpet cleaning.
Most carpet warranties require a professional cleaning once per year, but warranties vary, so make sure to check yours before hiring a carpet cleaner.
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