How Do I Clean My Fake Grass?
Aug 13,2019
Diamond Carpet
Artificial lawns can last for years, if not decades, weathering the fiercest weather and tremendous wear and tear.
One of the biggest advantages of artificial grass is how little maintenance is needed to keep it in good condition - especially when compared to natural grass, which will need everything from water to weedkiller.
However, although you can happily wave goodbye to monotonous mowing and wearisome watering, there are still certain other maintenance tasks which will need to be completed. Just a little bit of care will leave your artificial grass glowing!
Large Debris
Branches, twigs, and odds and ends of rubbish. While most people remember to pick up and remove big bits of rubbish from their lawn - whether natural or artificial - it\'s a good habit to get into as it\'s an easy way to improve the look of your garden in no time at all!
Small Debris
Since leaves, seeds from nearby trees, and other small-scale biological detritus won’t just break down and sink into the soil of the grass, the solutions range from a leaf-blower to a broom. Keeping the grass free of smaller-scale debris will mean a greener artificial lawn and a more manageable garden.
Pet Problems
While your garden might lack any fire hydrants, lamp posts, or the other traditional types of toilets our four-legged friends usually choose, this doesn’t mean that they will refrain from conducting business on your nice new artificial lawn. Some pet owners like to set aside a specific gravel or soil area to act as an outdoor litter box and train their pets to go there only, but luckily for owners of more willful pets, there are ways in which you can quickly get your synthetic lawn looking its best again.
Solids are easily managed by responsible pet owners with a well-placed bag and scoop
For liquid waste, it\'s advisable to rinse the area with water to help drainage and prevent staining or discolouration of your artificial lawn.
Snow and Ice
When it comes to clearing snow, the easiest thing to do is to wait and let the sun do its work. However, if you should urgently need to replace the white with green, make sure to take care. Shovels should be avoided unless the grass is especially thick, as slamming a sharp-edged tool down into your artificial grass is a bad idea. Only use a shovel to clear upper levels of thick snow and leave the rest to a stiff broom. We would also recommend against using salt to prevent ice from forming, as the salt residue can build up and block drainage.
Food and Drink Spills
In most cases, the classic broom/rinse combo will deal with the more common problems linked to spillages of food or drink. Don’t try using harsh chemicals or cleaning agents, they aren’t necessary and could bleach or otherwise damage your artificial lawn. Chewing gum has, on occasion, been noticed as a more stubborn customer. A plastic putty knife may be useful, or use an ice cube to chill the gum and let it slip loose that way.
For regular maintenance, brushing with a stiff bristled broom is always useful as it can get your artificial grass looking its best in no time at all. Other than that, there is so little to worry about you almost won’t believe it! But it’s true - as true as artificial grass is green.
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