6 Uses for carpet Scraps
Oct 20,2021
Diamond Carpet
You don’t have to throw away old and damaged carpet after replacing it. Here are many ways you can recycle instead of throwing away:
Keep the floor from getting damaged
If you like to rearrange your furniture a lot, but can’t figure out how to protect your hardwood floors, I’ve finally got the solution: little bits of old carpet! Cut up carpet into little squares and slip them under the legs of a heavy chair or a table. Now, you’re ready to slide those bad boys around your home to your heart’s content without wrecking your floors.
Build a scratching post for your pet
If your cat is clawing up the living room sofa, this might do the trick. Make a scratching post by stapling carpet scraps to a post or board and place it near kitty’s favorite target. If you want it to be freestanding, nail a board to the bottom of the post to serve as a base.
Prevent weeds from growing
Place a series of carpet scraps upside down and cover them with bark mulch or straw for a weed-free garden path. Use smaller scraps as mulch around your vegetable garden.
Place lining in your tool drawer
Line the inside of a tool drawer in your workshop with carpet scraps. Your tools will stay in place instead of sliding around getting damaged.
Avoid slipping
Cut a piece of carpeting to size and staple it on the bottom rung of your ladder. You can wipe your feet before you climb up and you’ll be less likely to slip.
Dislodge a stuck tire
Does your riding mower get mired in the spring mud? No problem. Wedge scraps of carpet under the front edge of the trapped wheel, which will provide traction to dislodge it.
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