3 Tips to Make Your Carpet Look New Again
Jul 30,2021
Diamond Carpet
When your flooring starts to look dull, you don’t have to spend lots of money to liven it up. Following these simple tips will surely take away years of wear and tear:
Get rid of stains using shaving foam
First, your carpet probably needs a spot-clean. An easy, low-cost solution to get rid of carpet stains is shaving cream. Spray the stain with some foam shaving cream (not the gel kind) and let it sit for 30 minutes.
Then, blot it with a clean cloth. This solution works on a wide range of stain types, including grease. Before you tackle the stain, do a test patch in an inconspicuous area of your carpet to ensure it won’t cause any discoloration.
Brighten your carpet using salt
Combine equal parts HOT WATER and equal parts SALT, and apply to your rug with a damp cloth. Although you don’t need an ocean of the mixture applied (it will leave salt deposits that you’ll need to re-rinse out later), you’ll want to use enough that it will transfer from the rag or sponge to your rug. Give this trick a spot test to ensure that your particular rug can take the hot water, though most all rugs are able to hold up to this type of method. If you’re worried, try using a dry towel placed over the areas to help blot any excess moisture back up.
Colour it new
Mix dye according to package instructions. Pre-mixed dye is ready to go, but powdered dye needs to be mixed with water. Use the mixing instructions on the package as a guide, but realize the advantage of powdered dye is your ability to use more or less, depending on the intensity of color you’re looking for.
Apply dye to your carpet or rug. Take your time and apply the dye slowly and evenly over the carpet or rug. Try to avoid going over any area more than once or you’ll have some spots that are darker than others.
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